Shop Stryker Physio Control AEDs In Canada

AED Advantage is an authorized distributor of LIFEPAK AEDs in Canada. AED Advantage is committed to providing exceptional service to companies across Canada, who want to purchase their first life saving defibrillator, or complement their company fleet.

LIFEPAK Defibrillators are more than just defibrillators. They allow for expanded capabilities such as cardiac monitoring and provide real-time feedback to the user. This allows for greater assessment and care of the patient and can potentially decrease any margin for error, creating better outcomes in emergency situations. LIFEPAK AEDs provide easy to follow guidance, ensuring that their defibrillators can be used by anyone, even those who have not received any specialized training.

The LIFEPAK line of AEDs represent the most comprehensive line of AEDs on the market. They are arguably the best suited for pre-hospital and out-of-hospital use in North America during sudden cardiac arrest response. See below for just some of the features that make buying a LIFEPAK AED the easiest decision you’ll make today:

  1. Easy To Use
    For the lay-responder, this device is very simple to use. With a layered design with easy to follow bold graphics, there is no need for any formal AED training.
  2. Automatic Power Up Upon Lid Opening
    There’s a reason it’s called an automated external defibrillator. These units waste no time in powering up and delivering voice prompts to the rescuer. From placing the pads to delivering a shock the LIFEPAK line will be there to guide you. You will never have to worry about shocking someone who doesn’t need it, these will let you know whether or not a shock is necessary by closely monitoring the victim’s heart.
  3. cprINSIGHT™ Analysis Technology
    (exclusive to the CR2 WiFi and Cellular versions, not available in CR2 USB) minimizes interruptions in CPR by enabling the device to analyze the patient’s ECG while CPR is being performed. This means that CPR can be continued while the device assesses the patient for a shock vs no-shock decision which equals more time on the chest delivering essential oxygen.
  4. Metronome And CPR Coaching
    The metronome sets an effective pace and audibly guides users during CPR. This is just one less thing that the rescuer needs to worry about when delivering life saving treatment.
  5. Fastest Time To First Shock
    LIFEPAK devices will be ready to provide a life-saving shock as fast as possible. Time to first shock can have a significant impact on the survival rates of victims of cardiac arrest.

Ultimately AED Advantage is a great portal to buy LIFEPAK AEDs and supplies for Canada. Our site is easy to use, has competitive pricing, and we value customer satisfaction above all else.

Please note: features are model specific.

LIFEPAK AED Accessories

AED Advantage is a national distributor of LIFEPAK defibrillators and accessories in Canada. We are proud to serve both public and private customers across the country. Our online shop offers a variety of LIFEPAK AED accessories and batteries, such as:

  1. LIFEPAK CR2 Electrode Kit;
  2. LIFEPAK Quick Combo Electrode Pads with Redi Pack Pre-Connect System;
  3. LIFEPAK Infant/Child Electrode Pads
  4. LIFEPAK CR2 Lithium 4-Year Battery
  6. Medi - Trace Series 533 ECG 3 electrode package; and
  7. LIFEPAK wall brackets, carry cases and cabinet options available for all models.

By purchasing from AED Advantage you'll not only receive a brand new product at a reasonable price but also quality service and support. For more details please feel free to contact a member of our team.

What Can A LIFEPAK Do?

AEDs are a critical part of safety plans. About six minutes is the average amount of time it takes to respond to a 911 call, which can be a lengthy, or even fatal,  delay for someone who is in cardiac arrest.

An automated external defibrillator is, in lay terms, a medical device that can be used on someone who's suffering sudden cardiac arrest. The device is capable of analyzing the heart's rhythm and, if needed, delivering a shock to restore an effective rhythm to a victim’s heart.

In the wake of a medical emergency, it can be easy to panic. But if you're prepared, you'll have the necessary tools to put your worries at ease and deal with the situation at hand. LIFEPAK AEDs are a great solution, as they provide an effective way to revive those who have suffered cardiac arrest, while also giving first responders time to arrive on the scene in most situations.

Économiser 15%
A white and red LIFEPAK CR2 AED with its electrode pad and battery
A white and red LIFEPAK CR2 AED standing next to its semi-rigid carry case
A set of electrodes, and a battery pack, and instructions for a CR Plus defibrillator
White foil package containing adult AED pads, a small black battery, and an instruction booklet


  • Paquet
A white rectangular foil package containing pediatric pads for the LIFEPAK CR2 defibrillator
A black and yellow rectangular LIFEPAK 1000 AED battery pack