Achetez Defibtech

Defibtech est spécialisé dans les défibrillateurs externes automatisés (DEA) de sauvetage conçus pour une utilisation facile en cas d'urgence. Leurs produits, dotés d'une technologie de pointe, assurent une défibrillation rapide et efficace pour rétablir un rythme cardiaque normal lors d'un arrêt cardiaque soudain. L'engagement de Defibtech consiste à rendre les DAE accessibles et conviviaux pour une utilisation généralisée dans divers contextes.

A collage of bright yellow Lifeline AEDs and their accessories

DAE Defibtech

A black and yellow Defibtech Lifeline AED along with its battery pack and electrodes
A black and yellow Defibtech Lifeline AED along with its battery pack and electrodes

Semi-DEA Lifeline

  • DEA
A yellow and black Defibtech AED with it's battery pack and electrodes
A black and yellow Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED displayed head on with its battery pack and electrodes.

Lifeline VOIR LE DAE

  • DEA

Batteries Défibtech

A rectangular yellow defibtech lifeline aed battery pack
A rectangular yellow defibtech lifeline aed battery
A small yellow rectangular Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED battery pack

Électrodes Défibtech

A set of adult Defibtech Lifeline electrodes encased in their yellow foil wrap with a black connector cord
A set of adult Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED electrodes encased in their yellow foil wrap with a black connector cord
A set of pediatric Defibtech Lifeline electrodes encased in their blue foil wrap with a black connector cord
A set of pediatric Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED electrodes encased in their blue foil wrap with a black connector cord

Offres groupées Défibtech

A yellow and black Defibtech Lifeline AED being retrieved by hand from a white metal cabinet with red decals
A yellow and black Defibtech Lifeline AED standing in front of a white metal cabinet with red decals
A yellow and black Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED being retrieved by hand from a white metal cabinet with red decals
A yellow and black Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED standing in front of a white metal cabinet with red decals
A yellow and black Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED with a bright yellow hardshell carry case.
A yellow and black Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED with a bright yellow hardshell carry case
A black and yellow Lifeline VIEW AED displayed in a white metal wall mount bracket
A black and yellow Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED strapped into a white metal wall mount bracket
A yellow and black Defibtech Lifeline AED with a bright yellow hardshell carry case
A yellow and black Defibtech Lifeline AED with a bright yellow hardshell carry case
A black and yellow Lifeline AED displayed in a white metal wall mount bracket
A black and yellow Defibtech Lifeline AED strapped into a white metal wall mount bracket

Packs de mise à jour Defibtech

Yellow electrodes package and yellow battery pack for the Defibtech Lifeline Defibrillator
Yellow electrodes package and yellow battery pack for the Defibtech LIifeline VIEW defibrillator
A set of adult Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED electrodes encased in their yellow foil wrap with a black connector cord