Defibtech Lifeline AEDs & Accessories

As a Health Canada-licensed distributor of Defibtech AEDs, we’re proud to offer their powerful yet easy-to-use Lifeline range, and accessories to make saving a life accessible in any setting. Defibtech’s user-friendly technology allows even first-time rescuers to perform confidently during sudden cardiac emergencies.

Our selection includes the Lifeline Semi AED, featuring an intuitive two-button design, and the Lifeline VIEW AED, which offers a groundbreaking full-color video instructional display for real-time guidance. To ensure your Lifeline AED is always ready for action, stock up on standard battery packs and Lifeline refresh packs. For all-in-one convenience, our Defibtech bundles include everything you need to store or carry your AED on the go safely.

A collage of bright yellow Lifeline AEDs and their accessories

Defibtech Lifeline AEDs

A black and yellow Defibtech Lifeline AED along with its battery pack and electrodes
A black and yellow Defibtech Lifeline AED along with its battery pack and electrodes
A yellow and black Defibtech AED with it's battery pack and electrodes
A black and yellow Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED displayed head on with its battery pack and electrodes.

Defibtech Batteries

Defibtech Pads

A set of adult Defibtech Lifeline electrodes encased in their yellow foil wrap with a black connector cord
A set of adult Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED electrodes encased in their yellow foil wrap with a black connector cord
A set of pediatric Defibtech Lifeline electrodes encased in their blue foil wrap with a black connector cord
A set of pediatric Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED electrodes encased in their blue foil wrap with a black connector cord

Defibtech Refresh Packs

Yellow electrodes package and yellow battery pack for the Defibtech Lifeline Defibrillator
Yellow electrodes package and yellow battery pack for the Defibtech LIifeline VIEW defibrillator
A set of adult Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED electrodes encased in their yellow foil wrap with a black connector cord