Trade in your AED
Simple upgrade process
Our AED experts can help you answer all of these questions.
When to upgrade
Here are a few questions that will help determine if it is time to upgrade.
The maximum warranty of any AED on the market is 8 years.
Your AED has been turning on and performing internal daily checks since it was manufactured to ensure it is rescue ready in case of an emergency.
Even if the device has never been used, internal components can break down over time just like with any electronic device.
To save a life, you want your device to be in the best condition. Older AEDs can have extremely high maintenance costs, so instead of paying for new accessories the next time they expire, consider putting that money towards a new AED with the latest technology. Accessories for newer models typically last longer than accessories for older AEDs as well.
YES! We will provide a trade in credit of up to a $300 toward the purchase of a new device AND cover the cost of shipping for the new device. We will also include a complimentary return shipping label with your new AED so that you can send your old device back to us!
- Trade in credits will be applied directly to an invoice at the time of AED purchase.
- Trade in credits cannot be applied to online orders and must be completed through a sales representative.
- AED Advantage will provide a paid Return Shipping Label to ship the expired AED back to our warehouse. The Return Shipping label will be enclosed with the packing slip of the new AED ordered.
- Proof of shipment for the traded in AED must be provided within 30-days of the replacement AED invoice or the traded in credit provided will be invoiced to the customer for payment.